I just spoke with a wonderful young man of God who CLIYM has been connected to for some years. As we spoke, I found it hard to push back the tears as he thanked me for helping him. You see, this young man pastors in a village church where most of his church members are children and teens. Because of his love for Jesus and commitment to the ministry of the Gospel, he continues to labor among those who are poor and cannot provide sufficient funds for his family's basic needs. Yesterday, I saw a Facebook post he wrote, that said, “I need a miracle”. We too at CLIYM are in need of a miracle. We have been stretched to the edge this month as we are building a village church by faith. Our average offering is less than 20 Cedis…that’s about 7 dollars a week. Sadly, one of our members promised us $200.00 worth of lumber for our building project but never came through; we haven’t seen him since. But we continue to walk in love and forgiveness! Another man who has attended faithfully since we started, turned against us and became our own personal Sanballat (Neh.2), spreading lies about us throughout the village! We lost a third of our members. But our hearts yet declare:
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. (2Co 2:14)
Additionally, as some of you may know, one of my recent Bible school graduates just lost her husband when he suffered a Stroke. She has four girls under the age of 10 years and she had no way to pay the hospital bill or morgue bills. CLIYM was there. We are still there to help this widow.
In the midst of all this incredible stress and sorrow, our car's recently installed (new) air conditioner decided to give up the ghost! This is Africa; quality is a relative word and 30, 60, and 90 day warrantees don’t exist). Additionally, our radiator and battery also decided to fail us! But praise God, we made the 7 hour drive to Accra safely!
Suffice it to say, we have given all of ourselves for the name of Jesus and the sake of the Gospel. We have given every nickel and dime for the cause of Christ and the love of the brethren this past month. It’s been a month like no other that I can remember since coming to Ghana: I watched a man die and told his widow the grim news. I stood in a morgue where bodies were piled one on top of each other and the smell of Formaldehyde made me almost pass out. I held eight grieving adult-siblings in my arms as I told them that I was with their Brother when the angles came and carried him into the arms of Jesus. I have had the joy of holding one of my spiritual son's firstborn child. I have personally emptied my checking and savings accounts as one desperate need after another arose. Despite all of our own trials and testings, my heart broke when I read this young Pastor’s FB comment. I immediately sent him a private message and asked him what was wrong. He told me he needed a spiritual and financial miracle. I wrote him back, “Do you, your wife and two babies have food? …and don’t lie to me!” I said. His response was simple; “No please, Mom”. My heart broke and I just cried.
Because I am in Accra (getting my Residence permit and dealing with these unexpected vehicle repairs), I immediately called Pastor Lordina and asked her how many bags of rice we had at the Mission house. She told me three. Today Pastor Lordina travelled two hours to deliver two-10 pound bags of rice to a starving young pastor and his family. I wish we could have given him more, but he was so incredibly thankful for what we were able to give him! I want you to know that your gift is TRULY making a difference in the lives of people! This story, of a pastor who doesn’t have food to feed his family, is not uncommon in the rural areas where we minister. Please consider donating today! I am most grateful for those who continue to support this ministry and am honored to steward these gifts for God’s glory and His Kingdom! God bless you for your gift. Feel free to share this post! –Cindy joy